I cannot tell you how excited I was to answer Kim’s phone call to photograph this moment in her and Jared’s lives. God had just pressed it on my heart a couple years ago to pray for Kim to have a child. I had no idea about their situation or anything, I just felt I needed to. When I saw her post on Facebook announcing her pregnancy, I sincerely had so much joy for her and knew I HAD to photograph her session. She beat me to it and called me to schedule and I immediately told her my feelings about the need to pray for her. She then told me Ella’s whole story, and I remember crying the whole time…I’m literally getting chills thinking about it. Now I don’t cry easy, it’s just not my nature so to cry during her story is saying a lot. I can’t wait for Kim to tell you her story and I’ll let her tell it when Ella makes her arrival because I want you to see the little sweet face of a miracle. All I can say is my God is still in the business of miracles. And baby Ella’s story cannot be explained by medical professionals or science and is only explained by a one true God.
Nothing is impossible with my God!
“Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”
Matthew 19:26