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Ella Kate 6 months | Ruston LA Baby Photographer


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Ella Kate is just something special. I know most people say that about their kids, and while all kids are special, I say this of this girl because of her marvelous story. I wrote her entire story, from her mother’s words, on facebook and fully intended to blog her story here after her newborn session, but it seems I dropped the ball on blogging for 6 months. Yes! Go ahead make fun, I’m a terrible blogger. BUT better late than never right? So grab a tissue and watch God’s hand at work while her sweet momma tells it all. I’ll even throw in a few of my favorite images from Ella’s 6-month session we did this week to spice it up.


A rainbow baby is a baby born after a tragedy or struggle. Ella Kate here is definitely dubbed a rainbow baby because after all accounts she really shouldn’t be alive. When momma told me her story I had chill bumps and just cried at the sheer miracle that is Ella. God is still in the business of miracles and this girl is proof of that! Even medical professionals couldn’t explain it. Here’s her story told by her sweet mom, it’s a little lengthy but please read it and see God’s hand in it all <3 


“My husband and I struggled with infertility for four years. We knew we desperately wanted to be parents, so we decided to pursue the avenue of adoption. Our particular journey though adoption was very long, emotionally taxing, and in the end devastating for us. Throughout our four-year-long journey, God at times seemed very distant and it seemed our prayers simply went unanswered. We decided that we would pause the adoption process, travel, and not be consumed with growing our family. After coming back from vacation, we found out we were pregnant. We were overjoyed! We went to our doctor two days later full of excitement, nervousness, and joy. Our doctor shared in our excitement. As she performed the ultrasound, the mood suddenly changed. With tears in her eyes, she told us this was not a viable pregnancy. Her exact words, which will forever be engrained in our brains, were, “If there was any hope we would cling to it, but there is none.” We were devastated and we sobbed as we sat in the doctors’ office. I was scheduled to come back to the hospital for a D&C five days later. Even though throughout our four-year struggle we wrestled with God questioning His plan for our lives, this felt unimaginable. Why would God allow us to find out we were pregnant only to know it was not viable? Why could He just not allow us to have a child?

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The next five days were very difficult as we prepared for the procedure. These days were dark and we had no hope. Only very close family and friends knew of our situation, all of who lifted us up in prayer during this time. The day arrived for our procedure. We signed consents through tears and waited. The doctor came in and wanted to perform another ultrasound before the procedure. As the doctor performed the ultrasound, she said, “Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!” each time a little louder. My husband immediately said, “What’s wrong?” The doctor jumped from her stool and said, “There is a heartbeat, there is a baby!” As she turned the screen so we could see, we saw a little baby with the heart actively beating and could hear the heartbeat. My husband immediately fell to his knees in awe and we both cried tears of joy. When asked how this happened and why there was nothing there five days earlier, the doctor attempted to explain and ultimately said, “There is no explanation. God wanted you to have this baby.” God has truly given us a miracle and we are overwhelmed that God has bestowed this blessing on us.”
