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Anniston | Ruston LA Child Photographer


This little girl is something else! Anniston has in the past not been a super smiley baby when I photographed her through most of her first year. After Danyelle said she wanted to get her 2 year pictures scheduled I was certain she would be the serious soul she once was. I was definitely wrong!! I couldnā€™t believe how much she smiled at me and I was digging it. We decided to piggy back a little family session along with Annistonā€™s pink lemonade birthday picture theme. You canā€™t really tell there is a family of four in their picture can you? Iā€™m so very excited for the Oā€™Neal family as they are gaining another arrow in their quiver and Iā€™m sure Annie is excited to be a big sister.

At the end walking back to the car, momā€™s hands were full so I held out my hand for Annie to hold so she wouldnā€™t wander. She grabbed it with a huge smile and wouldnā€™t let go, heart officially melted, how stinking sweet. Happy birthday precious Anniston!

For more information on pricing, just click here. You can click the contact button at the top of the page to contact us and make your reservation for your next maternity session.

A Thousand Words Photography specializes in newborn, baby, first year, family and maternity photography in Ruston, Louisiana and the surrounding north Louisiana areas including but not limited to Monroe and Shreveport. Please ā€œlikeā€ us on Facebook.