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Mayson | Ruston LA Newborn Photography


what a little rockstar! He just nailed his session with me in our time together. Seriously every pose I put him in he did with ease. I’m so excited to say that I’ll be photographing this stud’s whole year and watch him grow, that is always my favorite. I was so honored when Deanna asked me about photographing her pregnancy and her baby’s first year. You see I photographed Mayson’s cousin the beginning of the year so I thought momma must have seen my work and not hated it enough to book me! Does my heart good to get referrals. I got to practice perfecting some posing and even tried a thing or two new. He was a ton of fun and a sweet little guy.

So, I have just been completely and utterly blessed this month. I have had so many babies coming to me and they’ve all been just amazing for their sessions. It’s funny because when I first started this newborn photography journey a year ago I had no idea how to pose newborns so I took a workshop to learn that and safety. To tell you the truth I never wanted to be a newborn photographer! Even after attending the workshop I still didn’t find my nitch. I had more babies that cried then I had that slept and it made my job difficult to pose and get the pictures I needed, seriously what was I thinking doing this. Fast forward 10 months later and I find myself learning with Amy and Nicole a couple of the best newborn photographers in the nation. I remember first talking with Amy over Facebook when I purchased my spot at the workshop and we discovered that we were both Christians. I was over the moon about this because it’s always reliving to meet another that shares something you are so passionate about. I remember she told me that “her and God had an agreement when she started her business” and I truly believe that’s why she is the artist she is today. I couldn’t believe I never did this. I have made my business life and my personal separate since this whole thing began. I didn’t know how to incorporate God into my work, I just never thought about it. So like Amy, I started praying before my newborn sessions for the session and for baby and their future. If I could remember I would pray with the parents, which doesn’t always happen I regretfully say, but I try. I seriously cannot believe what happened when I did this. Things became easier, my babies were calmer, I learned how to soothe in the midst of these posing situations, and I in turn gained more confidence in myself. I cannot thank Amy enough for teaching me this job but most of all for teaching me that God belongs in every inter most part of my life. Even the ones that I think require just business. I’m still learning how to get him into my work and I pray it will become more natural. I’m just so totally blessed to be doing what I love. And now from the girl who said she never wanted to be a newborn photographer I say, I want to do this for the rest of my life and glorify God through it.

For more information on pricing, just click here. You can click the contact button at the top of the page to contact us and make your reservation for your next session.

A Thousand Words Photography specializes in newborn, baby, first year, family and maternity photography in Ruston, Louisiana and the surrounding north Louisiana areas including but not limited to Monroe and Shreveport. Please “like” us on Facebook.