Now this girl is something else. I have just enjoyed photographing her first year so much. I love visiting with her mom and talking about all the new things Payton is doing each time. Payton is another newborn around my learning time. I can tell such a difference in my work throughout her first year. It took me quite a while to discover my style but I’m so glad she stuck with me through it. I guess one trait I love about this girl is that crazy hair! I can joke about it since I have a little bed head girl myself. But seriously her hair was so long as a newborn and she continued to have that beautiful hair as she grew. She’s also my serious little model, she does smile and actually does a lot….till I pick up my camera. Maybe she was more interested in my conversation. I should’ve known she was too smart for all that baby talk.
Again I am just so freaking blessed to have such wonderful clients. I love the ones that stick with me and love me through every little mishap, imperfection, craziness, and everything in between. These like Payton’s family are definitely something special!
Happy birthday sweet girl!