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Walker Family | Ruston LA Family Photographer

A Thousand Words by Catrina

So let me just say how much I love this girl! You can seriously never meet anyone so sweet and kind. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever heard her say anything mean about anyone despite all else. Sheā€™s as beautiful inside as she is out. And these boysā€¦gosh these dudes are just hilarious! They are super close to each other and have grown up as best buds.

So Gage is my ā€œIā€™m too old for thisā€ guy which makes me laugh in itself as he isnā€™t even close to teen years yet. I try to get him to interact and itā€™s like cracking a code, seriously this boy is a mess. Ridge on the other hand is my sport. Heā€™s in it to please and it shows! He tells me jokes, makes funny faces, and pretty much anything I ask heā€™ll give it a go. I know they made some really sweet memories for their mom!

Iā€™m so glad God knew what he was doing when he gave Heather these boys, he knew she was going to need a little laughter in her life and Iā€™m glad I get to experience some of it myself šŸ™‚