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Lindsey | Ruston LA Maternity Photographer

a thousand words by catrina

I sure do love me some maternity sessions! There are just some sessions that I am just super excited and passionate about and it’s no doubt maternity and newborn sessions. Well guess what I get to do BOTH for the O’Neal family! So Lindsey and Kyle decided to book the maternity&newborn package to commemorate this moment in their lives and I’m super excited! I mean to know I get to photograph that little baby cooking up in momma’s belly is something truly amazing. I mean that’s a big task for someone to trust you with and I couldn’t be more honored.

So truly I’m not kidding when I say I think pregnant women are just the most beautiful people ever. Most people look at me crazy when I say that. And you want to know who those people are?? The pregnant mommas themselves. Come on ladies! Really, this is a beautiful moment in our lives to be mommas. Our bodies grow another human and it knows exactly what to do. God is so amazing to create in us a life sustaining vessel and I just can’t help but think that’s just the most wonderful thing. I loved being pregnant (well until I dropped something on the floor and had to pick it up) with my daughter. Although I DID have an easy pregnancy and don’t have much to complain about. But I was always amazed at this tiny life inside me. I just couldn’t believe there was an actual person in there and my body was giving them life. What a miracle, what a beauty.

Lindsey you’re such a beautiful soon-to-be momma!