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Issac | Ruston LA Newborn Photographer

A Thousand Words PhotographyIssac, what can I say about Issac. Well first off he is just a doll, seriously beautiful baby boy just like his parents. Second he is not into sleeping HAHA! It truly comes with the territory being a newborn photographer that you will have amazing sleepers and sometimes you have ā€œwide awakersā€. It may not look like it from these photos but this guy was ready to party. I shouldā€™ve informed him before we started that partying is done at his one year/cake smash session, he definitely didnā€™t get the memo. I did in fact find out that he hates to be moved in any way, poor little guy was not into it but I pride myself on getting photos no matter how hard I have to work. So hereā€™s to show that even if your baby is not a good sleeper, when you have a professional who specializes in newborn photography, youā€™re still guaranteed to get those shots you like. I just may need a hot bath and a massage after the session, but hey thatā€™s my job right :). And I love it.

Seriously though Issac and his family are so photogenic and every photo I captured of him was just perfect causeā€¦well he was perfect. Kind of hard to take bad photographs of someone so cute and cuddly, sweet little baby. We even got to incorporate one of daddyā€™s favorite hobbies which was totally fun to do! Abel and I went to the same high school and I remember him being on our school golf team, so Iā€™m glad to see heā€™s still enjoying it now. It was definitely good to catch up with an old friend and meet his new family. Janae was such a joy to meet and check out that beautiful momma! 2 weeks after giving birth to her baby and sheā€™s glowing even with sleep deprivation, now thatā€™s huge! Iā€™m pretty sure when my daughter was 2 weeks old and I had a total of 4 hours of sleep every night, I looked like the undead. Okā€¦no one has to comment on that! I think Iā€™m just now bouncing back.

Iā€™m so very honored that the Stevenson family drove all the way from Texas to see me. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m good enough to drive 2 hours to me but definitely flattered that they did. I really had a lot of fun and I hope to see this little guy again in the future!

For more information on pricing, just click here. You can click the contact button at the top of the page to contact us and make your reservation for your next session.

A Thousand Words Photography specializes in newborn, baby, first year, family and maternity photography in Ruston, Louisiana and the surrounding north Louisiana areas including but not limited to Monroe and Shreveport. Please ā€œlikeā€ us on Facebook.