John Carter, isn’t he a cutie! I absolutely love his sweet eyes and his curly top hair. His momma, Carla, has passed down her lovely locks to all three of her boys. My mother had and still has naturally wavy/curly hair but it was never as curly as Carla’s. I envy those curls as my hair is a board. Sure I have the perfect hair for styling any way I want. Straight always and it can hold a curl when I fix it. But those curls Carla has, cannot be replicated the same. I could possibly perm my hair to get close and I have contemplated it before. Think Merida from Brave, that’s my dream hair. But I can only imagine old ladies with blue hair sitting under hair dryers when I think of getting my hair permed. I just haven’t been able to pull that trigger.
Enough about hair, as fun as that was and back to the sole subject. John Carter was one of my newborn babies I shot lifestyle in his home. If you know me you know I love comparison shots so I had to grab a newborn picture for a side by side. If you think he looks familiar is because he is, when you go to the menu up top there and hover over my sessions>newborn and click lifestyle, you’ll see some of John Carter’s session on display. I really do love lifestyle newborn sessions. Don’t get me wrong, those posed in studio newborn sessions are my sweet spot, but it’s just something about those lifestyle sessions. If you were to check out my personal insta, you would see pictures of my little girl unposed and candid with a few portrait poses sprinkled in. It’s amazing the vast difference of styles I have with my business and with my personal work. I’ve found a love of documentary picturesque moments and I’ve discovered I love to incorporate that into my lifestyle sessions as well. Lifestyle I would deem an in between posed and candid. We do posed shots like in studio but just a little more loosely. Documentary is completely in the moment, no posing just a tad bit of directing (mostly due to light). I love that style because pictures were meant to remember the moments and not really just to make yourself a good looking profile picture. Sure you want some of the posed stuff for walls, but when I look in a photo album, I want to see our lives center stage. That’s why I lean more documentary with my personal work.
I really can’t believe it’s been a year since that newborn session. It really is true, the days are long but the years are short. I feel it with my own girl, goodness she’ll be 7 in a couple months. I always felt like 7 was the tipping point in a kid’s life. Don’t ask me why that number sticks out in my mind. But it always seemed to be when a kid transitioned into a real conversationalist, could be interested in adult activities like board games, or outdoor sports. For my little girl, I peg that on the head. She’s really changing into a kid that can see and understand the world around her. It’s a beautiful and terrifying thing all at the same time. I’m afraid it won’t be long and John Carter will be 7 too.
This little guy did so well for his photos. He such a chill kid. I don’t know if that’s a 3rd child thing, a boy thing, but he just seemed to be fine going with the flow. I don’t think he cried once, which is a big deal for babies and toddlers. I mean when they get aggravated, they cry. When they are hungry, they cry. Gas, cry. Overstimulated, cry. You name it, they cry and that’s their language to express what they’re feeling. But John Carter didn’t once care and it made for a smooth and happy session.
He started out wearing a couple of my prop outfits which I absolutely loved him in the orange romper. It made his eyes really pop. But momma brought in some jeans and a Tech jersey for the last shots. She said this outfit was special for some shots for daddy. And who can blame him, John Carter looks mighty cute in it. Top it off with a small football and we’re gold. We had to keep his hands busy throughout the session because he was a curious one who crawled off set many times so the football was a hit. Even when we got him to stand with the chair and we took the ball away, he was looking for it. Of course we obliged. He ended up loosing it at one point and it made such a cute picture of him looking over the chair, standing on his tippy toes. Gosh what a sweet session, he’s such a perfect little dude.
And one more shot I leave you because I just can’t believe how much little brother looks like big brother (middle brother). I don’t know you tell me if they resemble ?
If you want details and pricing for our one year studio sessions you can check that out here. You can also contact me for questions or if you’d like to book at [email protected] or message me on Facebook, just click HERE to be redirected to our FB page.