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Kyleigh 6 months | Ruston LA Baby Photographer

A Thousand Words by Catrina

Miss Kyleigh is always smiling in the huge world of Facebook, I mean every time I see her momma post pictures she is cheezin her head off. I was so ready for this little toot to have aching cheeks from smiling for hours. One thing you might not know about this girl is she is a serious one. I made myself a fool to get that tongue out smirk and it was worth it but she is such a cute serious model thatā€™s for sure! Sheā€™s grown so much from when I took her newborn pictures and I canā€™t wait to see what she is doing next!

For more information on pricing, just click here. You can click the contact button at the top of the page to contact us and make your reservation for your next session.

A Thousand Words Photography specializes in newborn, baby, first year, family and maternity photography in Ruston, Louisiana and the surrounding north Louisiana areas including but not limited to Monroe and Shreveport. Please ā€œlikeā€ us on Facebook.