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Linzie | Ruston LA Maternity Photographer

Ruston LA Maternity Photographer

Linzie is such a beautiful mommy. Now usually I call my pregnant mommies “mommy-to-be” but this girl here is doing this for the 4th time! Since this is Jeremy and Linzie’s fourth baby they are letting the gender be a surprise till day of! Kudos to all parents who decide to wait till day of to find out because I am the most impatient person EVER! Seriously I would be that mom on the ultrasound machine. “Mrs Willis would you like you know the gender?”…”No….yes…I mean no……………….yes”. Seriously I don’t know if I could do it.

Now I don’t know Linzie personally but when I posted her sneak peek, I cannot tell you how many people commented saying “This lady is beautiful inside and out”. I think that speaks volumes above everything else. To be beautiful outside is great but if you aren’t inside it truly means nothing. This lady here is both. I’m so glad to have met this family and I’m so stoked to meet and FIND OUT what baby #4 is!

For more information on investment, just click here. You can click the contact button at the top of the page to contact us and make your reservation for your next maternity session.

A Thousand Words Photography specializes in newborn, baby, first year, family and maternity photography in Ruston, Louisiana and the surrounding north Louisiana areas including but not limited to Monroe and Shreveport. Please “like” us on Facebook.