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Christmas Mini Sessions Jonesboro, LA



If I could literally explode with excitement right now, I would! I cannot begin to express how excited I am for this session. As a photographer, you are always wanting to give your clients beautiful images but also images that are different than any other they’ve had in the past. With a mini session, especially Christmas minis, it can be difficult to create a different setup than any you’ve seen. I know my FB newsfeed is bombarded with beautiful sets from amazing photographers and it’s hard not to want to do the same thing. But I’ve always prided myself on being different from others. All my life I’ve been proud of my name, Catrina, because I was the only one in my class with that name. I’ve always had a loud personality that you can pick out in a crowd, I really don’t know if that’s good or not HAHA! But my point is, I don’t like to follow the flow. Sometimes it’s hard not to as a photographer, VERY hard. This year I was determined to do something out of the ordinary.


I’d be lying if I told you I knew how many sleepless nights I got trying to wipe my brain clean of sessions I’ve seen and dreamed of a session that excited me. It’s tough!! There are so many factors that go into preparing a set, not just the decorating. I’m sure you’ve noticed in many of my photographs that I like simplicity. I’ve always found this to look dreamy and beautiful, so I wanted this to scream out in my mini sessions. One night as I was laying there trying to fall asleep it hit me like a ton of bricks. I wanted to make my own Narnia inside my studio. Well, Narnia has snow and trees. Trees were easy, now the snow
.. I’ve seen snow a total of maybe 6 times in my life.

And the times here in Louisiana there were leaves showing through the snow cause we literally got 1/2 an inch of it.

Louisiana, you are not my friend

It took me a good week to find the perfect fake snow. I’m not even kidding, the options are slim.

This set has exceeded my expectations! I know many people far and wide probably can do this in their backyard if they wanted to in winter, but here in Louisiana, we got to make our own magic. And magical it was.


All the kids loved it! Even little Emmitt was a fan, and the good news is, you don’t even have to wear socks in this snow. Set those piggies free!

Also with the fairly neutral setting, you can choose your favorite Christmas colors to tie into your vision. It’s a win-win. We will have an oversized chair for little ones to sit by themselves or with siblings, and also a love seat for a family to sit together.


I just think this little guy’s smirk is just the cutest touch.


So go ahead and enjoy some magic in these images and if you find yourself wishing you could book your own session then good news you can now here! The minis will take place at my studio at 407 Polk Ave in Jonesboro, LA on November 5, plenty of time to get your images in time for Christmas We will have time slots ranging from 8:30 that morning to lunchtime. The cost is $200 which includes 10 edited digital images and print release.

If you really want a session but that date does not work for you, please feel free to contact me on facebook or by email at [email protected]. We may have this set up for the rest of the week if anyone is interested in getting theirs now and if there is enough interest we can set up a few days before Nov 5th. Just know in advance this is a HUGE set. It takes hours to set up and tear down so the interest has to be high to set up early or leave out for later.

We have also had lots of interest in hosting your own portrait party. If this is something you would like to do with this set to invite friends and get your minis done privately. We can talk about possibly doing something similar. There will be restrictions to do so. And as a host you can get rewards and discounts for hosting!

So stop guessing and start clearing your calendar because these spots are extremely limited! This session may not return next year! Again if you can’t get in on Nov 5. ask about hosting a party or contacting me for an alternate date.

In the meantime check out my little goofball here, she gets her humor from her momma 😉


And here is Reagan and her BFF, Mia. I know because she told me before this picture <3





Now let’s have some fun!

Purchase yours here.